Friday, August 7, 2015

        Ok so this book was amazing! I am giving it 4 stars. When I first picked this book up I was really skeptical, but I ended up really enjoying it! It has romance,action,humor,and even a little bit of mystery. This book had many twists and turns that I didn't see coming! Overall this book was a fast and a fun read I highly recommend!

                 I really enjoyed all of the characters in this book. I thought Sophia was a strong and brave character that really kept me interested in the story. It is always nice to have a strong female lead. I also enjoyed how Sharon Cameron discussed the absurdity of gender roles. Sophia shocked many when it was discovered that it was actually her who was the Rook, instead of her kind brother Tom. This shocked many citizens and even the lead villain himself, Leblanc. Overall I really enjoyed how the author used Sophia to show that women can be heroes as well. Moving on to Sophie's charming fiance René Hassard who always kept me laughing. I thought the character development between Sophia and René was amusing and sweet. They went from hating each other, to not being able to let go of one another. The whole Hassard family turned out to be full of funny characters. I thought the Male lead was well written and fun to read about! MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IS TOM BELLAMY! Tom was so kind and strong throughout the whole story! His desire to protect his sister was so amazing and made me cry at some points! Tom is everything a girl looks for in a guy and I absolutely love him! I was so glad at the end of the story he found love and was finally able to find happiness! Now moving on to characters I did not like Leblanc and Spear. Leblanc was the villain of the story and an overall mad man. He relayed on crazy rituals and a flip of a coin to decide who should live and who should not. He was a well written evil character because my hatred for him grew as the story continued. Spear was Sophie's best friend and while he was not the villain of the story I was never able to connect with his character and felt no pain when he died. His jealousy of René caused him to make rash decisions that ultimately made me dislike him. While he had good intentions I never truly felt sorry that his love was unrequited. Overall this was an amazing book and I quite enjoyed the fun read! 

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